Women Presidents’ Organization 

(WPO) is the ultimate affiliation for successful women entrepreneurs

Meet our supporters: Women Presidents’ Organization 

The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) is the ultimate affiliation for successful women entrepreneurs (presidents, CEOs, managing directors) of privately held multimillion-dollar companies. The WPO's mission is to accelerate business growth, enhance competitiveness, and promote economic security through confidential and collaborative peer-learning groups. The headquarters are in New York City, the member requirements are to make $2 million in gross annual sales for a product-based business or $1 million for a service-based business, ownership interest in the business at some level, and senior management responsibilities for attorneys and accountants. The Chief Executive Officer is Camille Burns, a member of Forbes Business Council, New York and International Women’s Forum and Golden Seeds, Camille’s expert commentary has most recently been included in Fast CompanyForbesMedium and Thrive Global.

I had the pleasure to talk to a very successful Latina who runs the chapter of Mexico and Spain of the WPO, her name is Valeria Rodríguez Codina, she is an entrepreneur, coach, mentor, facilitator, and speaker. Co-Founder and Managing Director of Taste & Travel, a company that designs and creates exclusive and unique retreats and events with local taste and social sense. In this interview, Valeria shared with us some insights about this relevant association.

What does The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) make unique in a world with hundreds of women associations?

I would say that the uniqueness and success of the WPO is the value of its network and our methodology.

Chapters are composed of no more than 20 accomplished women entrepreneurs. WPO members address business concerns in a roundtable format and function as an informal board of directors for their businesses.

There are currently 142 chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

Professionally trained facilitators moderate chapters. Each chapter serves as a peer advisory group based on the four Cs of the WPO: Collaboration, Confidentiality, Commitment, and Connections.

WPO members address financial concerns, organizational development, hiring and firing, and other issues defined by chapter members.

What´s your role specifically in WPO?

I am the Chapter Chair for Mexico & Spain. My role is to identify businesswomen leaders in these markets and invite -those who meet the requirements- to join WPO. Once the Chapter is consolidated, my role is to facilitate monthly meetings.

You have chapters worldwide what are the most successful and profitable and why?

More than 2,000 accomplished women entrepreneurs at the multimillion-dollar level who aim to increase their business success make up the worldwide network. All chapters are made up of successful women.

Does WPO do activities with social impact?

Yes. The WPO Foundation supports, benefits, and assists the WPO’s mission to accelerate business growth, enhance competitiveness, and promote economic security for women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses. It provides funding for the following types of activities:

  • Speakers for the WPO Annual Conference
  • Panels, workshops, and webinars
  • Research, white papers, and books
  • Websites or micro-sites with educational content
  • Enhanced WPO chapter resources
  • Regional programs
  • Incremental educational resources are made available to WPO members and to women entrepreneurs who will benefit from the expertise of WPO members.

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