Shannon Shores, CEO of Wellex Inc.
Through Wellex Inc., which powers https://samedaystdtesting.com/, Shannon Shores is innovating the way the health the industry works: Earlier this year, she partnered with BetterHelp, the largest online counseling platform worldwide. Through samedaySTDtesting.com, Wellex is tasked with giving its patients STD test results but is not qualified in the mental health aspect that comes with receiving bad news. BetterHelp changes the way people get help with facing life's challenges by providing convenient, discreet and affordable access to a licensed therapist. They make professional counseling available anytime, anywhere, through a computer, tablet or Smartphone. After utilizing samedaySTDtesting.com, a direct link to BetterHelp is sent to the patient for them to get properly match with an available counselor.
Twenty years ago, Shannon started in traditional social work settings and quickly moved up to leadership positions where she could make a big impact and inspire others. After attending a women’s business conference, she met the organizer, Erin Joy from Black Dress Circle, who is a no-nonsense business badass. She joined her group and had monthly mentoring with her along with a small group of ladies, which was empowering. She restructured her business plan and growth followed. She needed someone to push her out of her comfort zone. She learned that she couldn’t just work for her company – she had to work on it.
When Shannon started Wellex, it was always important to her that she add a mental health component to her services. A variety of people come to the company who are experiencing infidelity, sex addiction, sexual assault, or who are even just getting back into the dating world. Mental health, just like sexual health, needs to be a topic to discuss but is often accompanied by shame and embarrassment. Shannon needed to give their patients options for care outside of just STD testing.
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