Ways to embrace change at work positively

Uncertainties at work

There are few among us who like changes and getting out of our comfort zone. We all like our routines and habits. Otherwise, we would not include them in our everyday lives as much. As humans, we stick the the well-known and environments that cannot surprise us. However, sometimes we are forced to faced changed circumstances and environments. Whether we like it or not, we have to accept them and adapt to them in order to move on.

For many employees, 2020 has been the year of most drastic changes at work. Not only are we faced with daily uncertainties concerning the pandemic, but our work routines are completely changed. People who worked in office environments are now increasingly working from home. This is just one of the changes in work that we have seen during the pandemic.

With the right attitude, it's still possible to embrace these changes to your work routine and become stronger and more resilient. Here are some things that will remind you why change can be good and how you can speed up this adaptation process.

Getting out of your comfort zone

If you are a person who sticks to their routines and every day goes “by the book”, the plus side is that you will be able to predict almost everything that’s going to happen to you and you know what to expect. Still, life shouldn’t be just about going to work, coming home and watching TV. If you get out of your comfort zone, your body and mind will be put on a test to see how you handle situations which are unfamiliar.

Experiencing new things

Only changes allow you to live through new experiences and discovering new dimensions of everyday life. Even the smallest changes in lifestyle and work can lead to new experiences which will help you learn what you like and what you don’t like.

Who knows, this crisis-driven change might actually show you that you like working from home or that you’re more productive in this new work setting.

Increasing resilience and flexibility

Without a shred of doubt, every time you embrace a change, you become more flexible and adaptable for each future situation life will throw at you. Finding your way around in unpredictable situation is a skill you can acquire only through practice. What better way to practice it than stepping into something new and unknown?

“When you start accepting changes with a smile instead of a stressed-out sigh, you will arm yourself with self-confidence. This is the key ingredient for the winners’ approach to life and it’s strongly built by changes”, says Maya Geller, a writer at TrustMyPaper.

Embracing unpredictability

People who are afraid of change usually make up scenarios where changes bring on something negative or worsen the situation that we’re in. But, what if we chose the opposite way of thinking? What if you start looking at each new situation as something that’s happening for you, and not against you? Just try it!

It’s guaranteed that you’ll start feeling like a three-year-old getting to know the world all over again, because everything around is really is exciting and interesting!

“Each new person you meet, new place you go, new opportunity you get, can bring amazing benefits for you, but only if you’re open to them and embrace the unpredictability behind them. If you let fear cloud your judgement, you’ll miss beautiful moments of wonder and spontaneity that can enrich your life”, says Melanie Walker, a content writer at Studicus.

Introducing healthier habits

When changes like this happen, the majority of people reach for carbohydrates like bread, pasta or sweets. The reason is that carbs increase levels of serotonin, which is a chemical that the brain lacks when we’re going through changes, i.e. stressful situations.

However, in the long run, you can’t heal stress with an unhealthy diet. Namely, fast food is just a temporary pleasure and relief, but it quickly turns into a bad habit that can increase stress along the line. So, instead of reaching for a candy bar every time you feel anxious during the news, strategize and come up with a healthy meal plan that will help your body and mind in the long term.

Another important healthy strategy for stress management is definitely exercise. According to experts, it’s actually one of the most efficient natural ways of decreasing stress and increasing resilience.

Seek support

Seeking out social support in periods of stressful life changes is completely normal and necessary for coping with challenging situations. Sometimes, all you need during hard times is someone who will listen to you. Even the simplest of human interactions can be healing and a key for successful battling with stress.

It’s also a good idea to outsource some of your work when you start feeling overwhelmed with changes, stress and deadlines. You can use services such as GrabMyEssay (a platform for professionals who can help you with documentation and work) to relieve some of the pressure caused by too many tasks

Take breaks more often

In moments where your life is turned upside down, you will probably feel like you don’t have control over anything. You might feel like you’re not living up to your own expectations, but it’s important to remember that stressful times are a slippery slope for burnout syndrome.

No one functions at their highest all the time. Even the biggest experts in the world make mistakes, but what counts is learning something from those mistakes and moving on.


Embracing the change itself is simply the best way to embrace all the challenges and benefits that come with it. Accept that it is happening, that it’s affecting your work life and personal life, but don’t dwell on it too much. Before long, these changes to your work routine will become the new normal.


Nicole is a professional online Content Writer, Editor, and contributor to Best Essay Education writing service. Her portfolio consists of writing studies, essays and articles on industry topics to grant readers across the world the ability to stay informed on current trends. In her spare time, Nicole enjoys watching movies and spending time in nature.