Wardrobes, we all have one.

Photo @collagevintage
Whether your wardrobe is on the floor, in a dresser or a built-in closet, there has to be some place that you keep your threads.
Let's be honest, if your wardrobe's a mess, you really need to take an afternoon sorting it all out.
If you're anything like me, there are clothes on a chair in your bedroom that you should be sorting through at this very moment. Instead, you're reading about how you should be doing it and looking for those four golden rules to help you.
1. Love it - Do you love this item? Does it speak to you? Would you 'pin' it on your Pinterest style board?
If you've answered yes to pretty much all of these, keep the item. Find a nice coat hanger, (your coat hangers should be all the same for aesthetic and organisation reasons) and hang that baby up and admire it. Easy.
2. Leave it - You probably don't love this item, but you wear it. Is it practical? Do you need this to complete a look?
If you need this item and it does its job, keep it. I'm talking white t-shirts (minus the yellow pit stains), black blazers, socks with no holes, hosiery that matches your skin tone and jeans that you wear on the weekend and can probably wear to work on a quiet day. Keep it, because you'll wear it.
2.1 - Love it but, don't want to let that one go?
Put it in a bag. Put said bag somewhere in your cabinet.
Then, after six months, if you don't remember what's in the bag, let it go. Or, take a photo of it for memories, or make a quilt from the material.
3. Sell it - Has it been sitting there, it all its fashion glory collecting dust? Did you buy it on a whim?
Has this item just been taking up space? Do you hardly wear it because it's too much fashion for you? There are heaps of local Facebook groups, websites and even apps out there that you can sell items on. Or band together with your friends and run a small stall at a market from the boot of your bestie's car. You'd be surprised how many girls might be looking for that pair of mules that are just that little bit too high for you, that dress that's too tight around your arms, or that top you bought when you wanted to change style directions last year.
4. Donate it - you know people won't buy this from you and it's still in good shape. It deserves a second chance.
You know this item will do someone some good. It's that hoodie that doesn't fit right anymore or that kimono that you bought so long ago, that it's not going to sell right now. There are so many places that you can donate your clothes to. Think Refugee centres, lost dogs home (blankets, towels, old bedding), thrift stores and charities.
Photo @collagevintage