Creates Happy organizations

UK leaders assembled in London

On Wednesday 15th May took place, the 2024 Happy Workplaces Conference organized by the company Happy which aims to create organizations where people feel trusted and empowered — and where they have the skills they need to succeed.

“We like our clients to be safe, healthy, and happy. We also want our employees to be safe, healthy, happy”
Michelle Hill

The goal of the event is to share tools and best practices to create happy, productive workplaces around the world, giving the experiences and practical steps of top leaders of the field, that attendees can take to change the culture in their organizations.

The 2024 Happy Workplaces Conference  was a very exclusive event that brought together 35 people at the headquarters of Happy in London and 60 participants online, the purpose of the encounter was for attendees to get energized and inspired by the different conferences with top speakers as:

  • Isaac Getz — author of Freedom Inc., Isaac spent two decades studying the secret of organizations that consistently outperform their competitors, he talked about Creating a Liberated Company that treats employees as adults, his key quote: “Leadership is not a position assigned by your sponsors, but a role granted by your people when they choose to follow you.” “Treat your employees like adults”.
  • Femi Otitoju — a charismatic and inspirational leader, Femi is a diversity and inclusion specialist who discussed how to create a truly diverse organization, her key concept: is “Describing the outcome rather than the journey”-
  • Caron Bradshaw OBE — CEO of the Charity Finance Network, who was speaking about how to lead your people with love, patience, and compassion. Her key quote: “Love doesn’t just make sense on a human level; it makes sense on a business level.”
  • Michelle Hill — CEO of the charity TLC: Talk, Listen to Change, Michelle is passionate about making a difference and improving lives and discussed how to maintain your organization's culture whilst growing, her key idea: “We like our clients to be safe, healthy, and happy. We also want our employees to be safe, healthy, happy.”
  • Michele Zanini — co-author with Gary Hamel of Humanocracy, Michele was speaking on building organizations that enable extraordinary accomplishment, his key quote: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant”.

The attendees mentioned at the end of the event that the speakers were fantastic and touched on several different things that they found so useful, they said that they saw some great examples of brave leadership that are unusual and authentic, and the conference most definitely exceeded their expectations with some very inspirational speakers.

The founder of Happy, Henry Stewart pointed out that what he created at the conference is a sense of culture as rust and freedom where people make their own decisions.
