With International Environment Day approaching on the 5th June, OnBuy.com recently revealed Adidas is the most Instagrammed sustainable fashion brand.
Debate remains on the best vintage brands to buy, but where is the best city to buy them in? OnBuy.com scraped Yelp.com for the number of vintage shop listings in cities across Europe and the Americas, to reveal the world’s vintage hotspots!
- Brussels is the world’s vintage hotspot with the most shops per 100,000 people (36)
- With 12 vintage shops per 100,000 people, Copenhagen claims second place
- Paris claims 7th place with 7 shops per 100,000 people
- Vintage shops in São Paulo, Brazil are the highest rated (4.28 out of 5)
- Alternatively, Buenos Aires houses the lowest rated second hand shops (3.61 out of 5)