Man Spends 30 Years Turning Degraded Land into Massive Forest – Fools & Dreamers (Full Documentary) The incredible story of how degraded gorse-infested farmland has been regenerated back into beautiful New Zealand native forest over the course of 30 years.....
The Welum Women Abroad Podcast - Neha Sonney - in English Neha Sonney is from India living in Hong Kong, in this episode, she shares how life is in this place, also she talks about her profession, she help single...
These Bamboo Bottles Could Be A Green Alternative to Plastic Sick of throwing away plastic bottles? You could try one of these Assam-made bamboo bottles.
The Secrets Of Herbal Medicine : Best Documentary Of All Time A herbal is a book containing the names and descriptions of plants, usually with information on their medicinal, tonic, culinary, toxic, hallucinatory, aroma...
The Welum Women Abroad - Funmi Odushola - in English Funmi Odushola, she is from Nigeria living in Monrovia, Liberia. She founded a market research firm called C2M that
Recycling Coconut Husks Joel joins Senthill and takes a peek into the extensive process of turning coconut fibers into the soil, rope, or other items that will be shipped out worldw...
Houtouwan - The Lost Village Abandoned in the 1990s, Houtouwan is a small fishing village on the eastern most Chinese island of Shengshan. Due to large trawlers from nearby Shanghai, the...
The Welum Women Abroad - Fernanda Chávez - in Spanish / Español En este episodio Fernanda Chávez, mexicana, publirrelacionista en Emiratos Árabes, nos compartió cómo es vivir en Dubái, nos co...
Carlsberg's "Green Fiber Bottle" & Open Innovation Famous Danish brewery Carlsberg used an open innovation approach in the development of a new bio-based beer bottle. They prove how open innovation can allow ...
The Welum Women Abroad Podcast - Skye Seery - in English In this episode, the Singaporean Skye Seery who is Creative Project Manager for Facebook shares with us how is to live in San Francisco and explains how is t...
The Welum Women Abroad Podcast - Claudia Ayala - in Spanish / Español En este primer episodio, Claudia Ayala, una emprendedora venezolana nos platicó cómo es vivir en India, sus retos, experiencias y todo lo que debes saber ...